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How Ragweed Pollen Can Worsen Your Allergies in September

ragweed pollen

Air purifier in your Gaithersburg home can help you ensure that your indoor air stays clean and free of allergens. Here is a quick guide to ragweed pollen and why it is so hazardous for people who suffer from allergies.

Ragweed pollen causes hay fever.

Ragweed pollen is responsible for allergic rhinitis, a seasonal form of sinus inflammation that is usually called hay fever. It causes a number of irritating symptoms, including congestion, a runny nose, watery eyes, and frequent sneezing. In some cases, hay fever can cause headaches and a sore throat. If you have asthma, hay fever can severely exacerbate your symptoms.

Ragweed pollen can get into your house.

Pollen can drift inside your home in any number of ways, from open doors and windows to air conditioning and furnace vents. It can also be brought into your home by a pet, and it can even cling to your clothes. Once it’s in your air, it can be extremely difficult to remove it—which means that you’re just as vulnerable to allergies at home as you are outdoors. Using an air purifying system to sweep your air clean of allergens is the best way to keep yourself safe from suffering a bad allergic reaction.

Ragweed pollen can combine with certain foods.

There are foods that can trigger an allergic response in people who have hay fever, causing them to respond as if they have encountered pollen. The foods differ for different people, but common examples include sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and kiwis. For this reason, it’s important to minimize your exposure to the pollen in the first place.
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